Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back from Redang + RESULT!!!!!


Just came back from Pulau Redang........
How to describe that place???
Both in good and bad ways.........
The first sight I had on the sea made me wanna go crazy and jump into the water straight away.......
The water was so clear until I can see the bottom of the sea........
It maybe clearer than most swimming pool I'd been before........
But the sad part was when I saw so many people in Pulau Redang........
The boats needed to transport the people had to be big enough........
Just the thought alone made me worried about the underwater ecosystem and true enough, the ecosystem were partially destroyed.......
I think half of the original coral population had died due to the boats.......
I can see all the dead coral both in the sea and on the seashore........

Even the tourists themselves were making quite a damage to the corals.......
During snorkeling, they got tired and they stepped on the coral just to rest.........
What's wrong with them????!!!!
You can't swim that far then don't!!!!
Don't make yourself go that far then you get too tired to come back........
They simply don't understand what they're stepping on were the beauty of nature........
And it is not something that can be created in decades,centuries or millenniums........
The corals need thousands and thousands or perhaps millions of years to get that kind of size.........
One ignorance step of you just destroy the beauty of millions years.........
How pathetic it is...........
It won't be too long before Pulau Redang become a place like Pulau Pangkor........
No more crystal clear seawater, breathtaking corals, wonderful underwater creatures.........
Let's hope things will get better.......... : (


What to say???
At first I was kinda stunned.....
I didn't expect this kind of result after all.......
But who to blame......
Me and only myself.......
All these while I've been underestimate A-level......
Maybe I had spend too much time fooling around before the exam.........

I guessed I had to cut the craps......
No use spending time to complain or EMO about the result ( although I will for at least one or two days ).......
This exam come at the right moment........
It crushes me down and now it's time for me to build it all up once again.......
But this time, in the correct way........

BTW what I'm worrying about now are not myself but my parents.........
Hopefully they can let me go easily.......
Make it short.......
Just trust me......
I won't fail myself and my parents next time........^^
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